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Classic Rear Entry, Kneeling: Also called doggie style, this position allows for sensuously deep penetration, which you'll both enjoy. It also is said to be the best for hitting the elusive G-spot and allows you to stroke her clitoris, breasts, hair and bSeated Missionary: This is a good position if you want to rest your elbows or feel that you are crushing her in the standard missionary position. Sit between her legs, with her knees bent, while keeping your legs spread wide. Ease yourself into her vaginaWoman On Top, Leaning Back: This is a variation of the woman-astride position, and one that's sure to give you both novel sensations. From the facing woman astride position, she gently lies back until she's lying down between your legs. Although this limiCross Buttocks: This is another good posisiton to take your weight off your partner. It's also enjoyable for her because it stimulates the side of her vaginal walls, something she normally doesn't feel. Insert yourself into your partner in the missionary Seated Rear Entry: This is a low-energy position for you in which she is in control. While you sit on a chair or the edge of the bed, she squats down on your erect penis. She controls movement and penetration, which can be quite deep and pleasurable for bX Position: Another easy-rider position, this was called "a winner for prolonged slow intercourse" by Alex Comfort, M.D., in his best-selling book, The Joy of Sex. Start fully inserted, with her facing you in the woman-astride position. Clasp your hands i
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18-05-2024 07:06:52