Phote - Internet Safety Tips

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Internet Safety Tips

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Internet Safety Tips That is not a woman. Real woman do not call themselves
28 %     That is not a woman. Real woman do not call themselves "CumSlurper19", nor do the send naked pictures to people they met five minutes ago.
10 %     Use extreme caution when opening images. Wathever you try, it is not possible to un-see something.
14 %     Don't. It was funny. Now it isn't. Get over it.
3 %     Warning: A number on a website does not translate into actual popularity.
10 %     Extreme danger: Someone has made porn of all your childhood memories. And other people enjoy it.
7 %     Do not attimpt to use the web if you are over the age limit/ Newspapers are sill being printed for your comfort and convenience.
3 %     Danger: Reading online forums may cause irreperable damage to your faith in humanity.
10 %     Caution: Seemingly innocent words can mean things you do not want to even imagine.
10 %     Danger: Trying to hide this porn window will reveal ten far worse pop-ups. You are advised to admint to your love for big-breasted sluts rather than risk appearing interested in gang midget bondage.
Number of votes: 28


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27-07-2024 05:57:07